The Wellness Resolution a blog that is about revitalizing your health to prevent chronic health conditions with 40-45% of Americans having one.
Air Quality Solutions and Replacing Chemical Cleaners

Air Quality Solutions and Replacing Chemical Cleaners

In my last blog, I talked about how indoor air pollution is a huge problem with indoor air being 5x more polluted than outside air. I mentioned the problems with chemical cleaners and other indoor air toxins, if you missed that check it out here: Indoor Air Toxins...

Indoor Air Toxins & Chemical Cleaners

Indoor Air Toxins & Chemical Cleaners

Is my house making me sick? It very well could be! Indoor air pollution is a huge problem! Find out the problems with chemical cleaning products, dangerous toxins to avoid and the products they are in, what the government does about it, and what indoor air pollution...

How to Replace Dangerous Skin Care Products

How to Replace Dangerous Skin Care Products

This is a follow up blog to my post: DANGER! Toxic Ingredients in Skin Care Products. So if you missed that one, check it out. It covers what bad ingredients are in skin care products, why they are toxic, what health issues they cause, and how the FDA isn't helping...


I have a Wellness Coach Certificate, I'm an entrepreneur, an innovator, writer, and artist. My expertise includes over 7 years of marketing, research, and developing content for holistic health businesses. Plus, my own personal journey of becoming chronically sick: understanding what went wrong, and finding a way to heal and live a healthier life. I have a passion for wellness with a wealth of knowledge surrounding: wellness, flaws in healthcare, root causes for chronic illnesses, and alternative treatments.