The Wellness Resolution a blog that is about revitalizing your health to prevent chronic health conditions with 40-45% of Americans having one.
Lacking Focus? In-Depth Tips to Improve Concentration

Lacking Focus? In-Depth Tips to Improve Concentration

Lacking focus? This blog is packed full of in-depth tips to improve concentration addressing many problems most people don't even consider. Also, this blog provides the most in-depth advice on how to improve these concentration issues. I've talked a lot throughout...

Changing Negative Thought Patterns & Ruminating

Changing Negative Thought Patterns & Ruminating

By: Jena, The Wellness Resolution (No Ai was used) Do you find your mind spiraling with negative thoughts? Do you struggle with obsessive ruminating over the same types of problems? This is a very challenging topic, as I know firsthand how hard it can be to control...

What a Healthy Self-Esteem Really Looks Like

What a Healthy Self-Esteem Really Looks Like

By: Jena 100% (No Ai was used) This blog is all about how to feel better about yourself in general with many self-esteem boosting activities. My last blog was focused on self-esteem in your professional life, and this blog is self-esteem in your personal life or just...

Improving Self-Esteem & Confidence in Your Career

Improving Self-Esteem & Confidence in Your Career

By: Jena, The Wellness Resolution (No Ai was used) Find out about my challenges with self-esteem, overcoming them, and 7 ways I built up my career confidence. The one that was a huge game changer for confidence in my career was #7! But first, I want to talk about...

Remove Clutter Around You & In Your Mind

Remove Clutter Around You & In Your Mind

Written by: Jena, The Wellness Resolution 100%  (NO Ai was used)  Clutter can cause stress in your life without you even realizing it. It can cause mental clutter. Just to be clear, having clutter does not make you a hoarder. Even if you consider yourself pretty...

How Mindfulness Improves Your Health & Life

How Mindfulness Improves Your Health & Life

Are most of your thoughts in the future? in the past? or in the present moment? If your mind spends too much time in the future or the past then you would benefit from mindfulness. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings,...

We Devalue Empathy, Yet We All Need It!

We Devalue Empathy, Yet We All Need It!

In a world that can be cruel, where anything can go wrong, where we all face trials and tribulations why do we devalue empathy as a society? Empathy in communication is needed for stronger relationships, it leads to more compassion, a boost in happiness, and so much...

Another Year Passes, Let’s Appreciate the Journey

Another Year Passes, Let’s Appreciate the Journey

It's all about the journey in life, not the destination. I mean where are you even going anyway? What if you never get there? Will you be disappointed? What happens when you get there? Then you just move onto the next thing you want or the next goal. Are you living in...