TRUTH – The Struggle is Real!
Written by: Jena, The Wellness Resolution 100% (NO Ai was used) In a world where everyone wants to convince you of something, I'm going to approach this as you can figure it out yourself. Obviously I have an opinion, but I'm going to tell you how to find your own...
What Health Conditions Are Becoming More Common?
Practically All Chronic Illnesses and Diseases Are Becoming More Common! Nearly half (approximately 45%, or 133 million) of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease [3,4,5], and the number is growing (Raghupathi, 2018). We don't see it because many of...
Flaws in Healthcare Making & Keeping People Sick
Live healthy by learning about some of the biggest flaws in the U.S. healthcare system and how they are harming our health! We have a ton of flawed perspectives on health that explain why so many people struggle for years in pain with no solutions, so many get chronic...
Perfect Weight Doesn’t = Healthy – Cellular Health Matters More
Our society is very fixated on the concept of being healthy means: not being overweight or some would even say underweight. Many people think that because they are not carrying extra weight this somehow equates to them being healthy, but that couldn't be further from...
Body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected. If you are stressed or angry and feel it in your physical body, you may already know that. However, how emotional health plays a role in physical health, how the environment harms physical health, and spiritual health...
How to Strengthen Your Immune System & Defend it When it’s Weak
The immune system, the first line of defense! How can we defend ourselves against germs and have strong immune systems? I'm going to share scientific facts and other credible resources that provide advice on how to have a healthy immune system, my own protocol for...
Facts on Germs & Immune Health to Uncover the LIES
Many of us are taught to fear germs from a young age, and in the past year, people have really started to fear germs. Many people tend to think that if they are exposed to bad germs (cold or virus germs) that enter their body they will automatically get sick. But this...
Cure vs Treatment & The MULTIPLE Problems with “CURES”
If you read my history of modern medicine blog, you know our medical system is largely based on profits. And if you haven't read it, I suggest doing so. However, I can tell you just the fact that our medical system isn't focused at all on preventative health is one...
Shocking History of Modern Medicine
I was personally shocked when I read about the history of modern medicine. It changed a lot of my perspectives on our healthcare system. Find out how one many destroyed our healthcare system. Find out why and how a monopoly on healthcare was formed in the United...
Functional Integrative Medicine vs Modern Medicine (Updated 3/25/24)
This is my third blog of a series of blogs on flawed perspectives on health. Another flaw in our healthcare is as a society is people's reliance on modern medicine. In this blog I will cover the problems with this addressing functional integrative medicine vs modern...
I have a Wellness Coach Certificate, I'm an entrepreneur, an innovator, writer, and artist. My expertise includes over 7 years of marketing, research, and developing content for holistic health businesses. Plus, my own personal journey of becoming chronically sick: understanding what went wrong, and finding a way to heal and live a healthier life. I have a passion for wellness with a wealth of knowledge surrounding: wellness, flaws in healthcare, root causes for chronic illnesses, and alternative treatments.