We all struggle with sleep at some point in our lives it is basically inevitable! So I can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be beneficial to learn more about how to set yourself up for sleep success! I have learned a ridiculous amount from health specialists and reading numerous articles about why people struggle with sleep, things not to do, and things to help. Below, I have a checklist of reasons for sleep struggles. Then the second half of this blog will cover ideas for fixing those problems with various sleep remedies to help you be a deeper sleeper and sleep better overall.

My Sleep Struggles

I’ve had plenty of sleep struggles, as when I became sick I used to struggle with fatigue. I could sleep 10 hours and still feel tired, and sleeping just the 7-8 didn’t help either. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a simple fix to my sleep schedule, fixing some bad habits, or changing my sleep environment. My problem was autoimmune and that’s what had to be addressed. I hope that isn’t something you struggle with because fatigue is a harder thing to improve upon than making some lifestyle changes.

Struggling with Your Sleep?
Here are a few things to Evaluate:

If you are wondering about signs you are not getting enough sleep, I cover those and included a video in my last blog: Importance of Each Sleep Stage, Sleep Schedules & More

An image of a bed facing two windows to talk about things that maybe interfering with getting enough sleep at night.Your Comfort at Night

  • Pillow to flat? or too puffy?
  • Does your mattress have dips in it? Has it become too soft or too hard?
  • Is your room too cold or too hot? A recommended temperature is 65 to 72 degrees.
  • Is your room dark enough?
  • Do you have pets disrupting your sleep?
  • Is your room quiet enough?
  • Do you sleep on your stomach? Stomach sleepers usually toss and turn more and tend to be prone to back, neck, and shoulder pains, along with gut health issues.

Before Bedtime Activities – NOT TO DO! 

  • Do you work before bed, exercise, watch violent or dramatic films or tv shows?
  • Are you spending time on electronic gadgets before bed?
  • Do you drink caffeine, consume more than one alcoholic beverage, or eat snacks before bed? Sugar and carbohydrates are two of the worse offenders.
  • Do you stay up past midnight? Most people can’t get enough deep sleep when they go to bed that late.
  • Do you follow a sleep schedule? As I mentioned in my previous blog, going to bed at the same time and getting up around the same time every week, makes it easier to go to sleep at night.


An image of a girl lying awake at night to discuss how stress can get in the way of deep sleep and getting enough sleep.

Stress is likely one of the most common reasons people struggle with sleep.

Sometimes we can feel stress and not even recognize it. Stress can be hidden in our subconscious thoughts, or just show up as physical aches and pains. We have to pay close attention to what our bodies are telling us!

  • Can’t turn off your mind at night?
  • Frequent Nightmares?
  • Keep waking up in the middle of the night?

Health Issues? Problems Sleeping can be Linked to a Health Issue 

  • Body pains keeping you from sleeping well?
  • Autoimmune Disorder? or Chronic Health Issue?
  • Medications?
  • Depression or anxiety?
  • Could you have a sleep disorder?
  • Allergies? Check out my blog on Immune Health for tips!

Sleep Fixes and Remedies

Your Comfort a Night

A Great Pillow is Essential – Buy a Pillow that won’t get flat or warp over time! 

I have gone through so many pillows over the years just from buying them at Walmart to buying memory foam pillows that are like $50 and only last two years and are made with some questionable stuff. A few years ago, I did a ton of research and found “Shredded Memory Foam Pillows.” It is the best pillow I’ve ever owned and the biggest reason why is I can make it as flat or as puffy as I want. All you do is add or remove the shredded memory foam. The pillow comes with a ton of it that I keep in a bag in my bedroom. So over time with weather changes or the pillow just getting flat, I unzip it and add some more foam. If it feels too puffy, I unzip it and take some foam out. I’m not sure when I will need to replace it with a washable cover and a pillow protector it should last a really, really long time. Worth every dollar – right below.

Choosing a Mattress

An image of a mattress to discuss how having a mattress that is too soft or too hard can cause problems with getting enough sleep.Your mattress can definitely cause problems with sleeping. If there are noticeable dips in your mattress it might be time for a new one!

Although this might not really affect your sleep, I can’t skimp out on telling you this… I’ve also learned how there are a ton of chemicals that go into the creation of a mattress that you do get exposure to as you are sleeping. Mattresses are known to release minute amounts of gaseous chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (Thompson, 2019). The VOCs come from polyurethane in the mattress and other chemical components. Health effects from these can include organ damage, headaches, eye/nose/throat irritations noted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Additionally, some VOCs even increase cancer risk.

A couple of years ago I needed a new mattress, so I did some research to find the most cost-effective, natural one. Since I had to buy it online, I had to miss out on the fun of going mattress shopping and bargaining with the person at the store. I was worried about buying one online but it actually worked out just fine. I had time to test it out, and because my husband and I knew what level of comfort we prefer, we ended up picking just the right one! So if you are unsure, go to the store and figure out what softness you need. Anyway, Awara was the mattress company we chose. It is an organic, award-winning mattress. But most importantly, it is incredibly comfortable!

Keeping the Temperature Just Right – My Personal Advice

When it comes to sleeping, it is easier for me to fall asleep with more blankets on so I like to keep my room pretty cool at night. In Summer, it helps that we have a big box fan to go in the window and blow cold air into our bedroom. But in the dead of winter, I struggle to climb into a cold bed. My feet are always freezing at night. So, one of the best wedding gifts I received that wasn’t even on my list was a heated blanket specifically for my bed. I have my own heat controls for my side of the bed and can adjust it to the heat setting I want (from 1 to 10), and my husband can keep his completely off if he wants. This is the amazing heated blanket that gets me through the winter months: Biddeford Blankets Comfort Knit Electric Heated Blanket With Analog Controller, Queen

Dealing with Pets 

An image of a gray cat sleeping on a bed to talk about how pets can interfere with deep sleep cycles.My cat sometimes wakes me up in the middle of the night because she wants to be pet and rubbed, and yes I do give her enough attention during the day. It isn’t often enough to be a problem. I usually pet her for a while and fall back asleep. But, if your pets get in the way of your slumber it is best to kick them out of the room.

Try to Sleep on Your Back or Left Side

Besides it being a bad idea to sleep on your stomach, many reputable sites say you shouldn’t sleep on your right side. Why? Sleeping on the right can cause more acid to leak through to the esophagus. People who have GERD can make it worse by sleeping on the right side, and improve it by sleeping on the left. Your heart actually works more effectively if you sleep on your left side or back. It’s better for your overall organ functions. I try not to make it a habit to sleep on my right side, but I don’t completely avoid it either.

Before Bedtime Activities

An image of a woman reading in bed to discuss activities to do before bed that can help with sleep.In order to wind down for the night, I try to avoid using my phone or computer an hour before bed. I turn down the lights as it gets later into the evening, and I will usually watch some TV before bed. There are a lot of articles that say not to watch TV before bed and read a book instead, but it depends on the person. For my job, I’m reading things all day long, so reading is not a relaxing activity for me. The TV helps me to relax. Whatever relaxes you is what you should do before bed. Some people like baths, meditations, bedtime yoga, or reading.

Avoiding Snacks & Drinks that Might Help You Sleep

It is supposed to help you sleep better and help with digestion to avoid eating snacks after a certain time at night. I typically follow this rule, but there are a few bedtime drinks that can actually help you sleep. This article shares drinks to help you sleep and their benefits: Natural Sleep Remedy: 11 Sleep Inducing Bedtime Drinks to Help You Sleep. I have made the golden milk several times and I really enjoy it. Besides those drinks, one glass of wine might be okay before bed, but not any more than that. Caffeine or sugary beverages are definitely not good choices. Lastly, eating healthier during the day will also help you sleep better at night.


Exercising at night is not a good idea. However, being active during the day could mean deeper sleep. I have found that I get deeper sleep and sleep better all-around on days I’m more active. This study shows the Interrelationship between Sleep and Exercise: A Systematic Review.

Sleep Schedule

As I mentioned previously, a sleep schedule with a designated bedtime is super important! Try setting an alarm when it is time to go to bed, and maybe get in the habit of getting ready for bed early. If you get ready for bed early that it is easier to get to bed on time.

If you struggle to get up in the morning you might want to try this sunrise alarm with colors, natural sounds, and more. I have a friend that really benefits from it. Wake Up Light Sunrise Alarm Clock for Kids, Heavy Sleepers, Bedroom, with Sunrise Simulation, Sleep Aid, Dual Alarms, FM Radio, Snooze, Nightlight, Daylight, 7 Colors, 7 Natural Sounds. Buy Here.

Handling Stress & A Wondering Mind

An image of some supplements to discuss how they can work as deeper sleep supplements and help when it is hard to fall asleep.We all deal with stress and sometimes it’s unavoidable that it will interfere with our sleep schedules. My best remedy for when I struggle to fall asleep or get back to sleep is Melatonin. If 30 minutes or more has passed and I’ve tried everything else I will take it. You already produce melatonin when you are sleeping so it is a very natural thing. Night-time levels of melatonin are at least 10-fold higher than daytime concentrations (Your and Your Hormones). It is a great thing to have on hand for nights I can’t go to sleep.

Fixing a Wondering Mind

Before turning to the melatonin there are a few other things I will try to do when I can’t sleep. I will count back from 100. If I end up doing it like 3 or 4 times that’s usually when I give up. It helps to take your mind off things, or you will get bored and go to sleep. I learned that one from a networking acquaintance. Then, my husband just taught me a new strategy that they use in the army and it’s coming up with two objects that are unrelated in your head, then another two, and another two, and so on. If those don’t work and you have a ton of thoughts rolling around in your head, just write them down on paper and you can deal with them in the morning.

Breathing Exercises

Another great method for calming the physical body down and the mind is breathing exercises. This could be just a meditation practice or focusing on your breath. Otherwise, you could try the Indian methods of breathing how to calm your mind – 6 ayurvedic breathing techniques. I have used the Nadi Shodhanam Pranayam.

An image of a bottle of essential oil to discuss how essential oils can help improve sleep or help with falling asleep.Essential Oils 

There are also certain essential oils that are known to evoke feelings of relaxation. You can diffuse them near your bed or try to sniff them before you fall asleep. I haven’t done too much with essential oils for sleep, but I have a rollerball I use for stress and that helps. View: The Best Essential Oils for Sleep.

Lavender essential oil has a myriad of uses, and I always keep a bottle of it around. I buy this exact brand because it’s high quality and very pure. Oh yeah, and it is recommended for sleep and stress relief. Young Living Lavender Essential Oil – Sweet, Herbaceous, Floral Aroma – 15 ml Buy Here.

One of the best ways to enjoy essential oils is to diffuse them into the air. There are a ton of different diffusers you can buy, but I personally think this one looks the coolest and it changes colors too! Everlasting Comfort Essential Oil Diffuser Buy Here.

Relaxing Deep Sleep Music & Meditations 

You can find a relaxing sleep playlist on Spotify, iHeart Radio, or Youtube. Meditation can also help with sleep. Here is a guided meditation for deep sleep.

Relaxing Music for Deeper Sleep. Delta Waves 

If you have chronic stress that is destroying your sleep all the time, it might be a sign you need to make some bigger changes in your life related to your job, responsibilities, family, health, or etc.

Regular Sleep Problems? Could they be linked to a health problem?

If you have already tried just about everything under the sun, it could be beneficial to see a sleep specialist, a natural health doctor, a wellness/lifestyle coach, or a therapist.

Going to a sleep specialist might be a good choice if you are struggling with insomnia, regularly waking up in the middle of the night, have no other health issues, and have tried everything else. A natural health doctor might be a good fit for someone having other health issues (autoimmune, depression, anxiety, body pains, etc) who need help to find the root cause. A wellness or lifestyle coach may help you figure out what life changes need to happen, and how to make them happen to be happier, less stressed, or healthier. A therapist is a good choice for people who struggle with things from the past that they can’t let go of. It isn’t all black and white so take this with a grain of salt, and make decisions that are right for you.

What strategies do you try for better sleep?

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Brightside/6 Reasons to Stop Sleeping on Your Right Side or Stomach. Retrieved from:  https://brightside.me/inspiration-health/6-reasons-to-stop-sleeping-on-your-right-side-or-stomach-795073/

You and Your Hormones/Melatonin. Retrieved from: https://www.yourhormones.info/hormones/melatonin/

Thompson, Dennis. (2019, July 10). WebMD/Is Your Mattress Releasing Toxins While You Sleep. Retrieved from: https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/news/20190710/is-your-mattress-releasing-toxins-while-you-sleep

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I have a Wellness Coach Certificate, I'm an entrepreneur, an innovator, writer, and artist. My expertise includes over 7 years of marketing, research, and developing content for holistic health businesses. Plus, my own personal journey of becoming chronically sick: understanding what went wrong, and finding a way to heal and live a healthier life. I have a passion for wellness with a wealth of knowledge surrounding: wellness, flaws in healthcare, root causes for chronic illnesses, and alternative treatments.

The Wellness Resolution
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