Exploring More & Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone
By: Jena, Happiness and Wellness Coach, Certificates (Not AI) Find out all the ways you can learn, explore new things, embrace your fears, and the countless benefits that await you when you step outside your comfort zone! Are you learning something new everyday? Are...

Overcoming the Challenges of Adopting Healthy Habits
By: Jena (NO AI was used) In this blog, I dive deep into the challenges that come with adopting healthy habits and how to overcome them vs just providing a list of researched advice on how to do it. Because let's face it - you can find that many places online....

An Unexpected Secret to Happiness
By: Jena, Happiness and Wellness Coach Certificates (NO AI was used) As you may have noticed there are A LOT of different things you can do to improve your happiness. Being as this is my 4th blog on happiness, I have found happiness can sometimes be a tricky thing. We...

Happiness on a Deeper Level
By: Jena, Happiness and Wellness Coach Certificates (NO AI was used) I believe when you become who you are supposed to be, it becomes easier to truly be happy. As I mentioned in my last blog about how to achieve eudaimonic happiness, you need to obtain autonomy and...

Two Types of Happiness – You need both!
By: Jena, Happiness and Wellness Coach Certificates (NO AI was used) In my last blog Pour Yourself A Cup of Happiness Every Day, I talked about finding more happiness in your day to day life and how to go about doing that. Now I'm going to talk about the two...

Pour Yourself A Cup of Happiness Every Day
By: Jena, Happiness and Wellness Coach Certificates (NO AI was used) Do you pour yourself a cup of happiness every...

Lacking Focus? In-Depth Tips to Improve Concentration
By: Jena, The Wellness Resolution (No Ai was used) Lacking focus? This blog is packed full of in-depth tips to improve...

Changing Negative Thought Patterns & Ruminating
By: Jena, The Wellness Resolution (No Ai was used) Do you find your mind spiraling with negative thoughts? Do you...

Ditch Dieting – Try a Healthy Eating Lifestyle
By: Jena, The Wellness Resolution (No Ai was used) Ditch dieting! The best diet plan is actually not a diet plan but...
I have a Wellness Coach Certificate, I'm an entrepreneur, an innovator, writer, and artist. My expertise includes over 7 years of marketing, research, and developing content for holistic health businesses. Plus, my own personal journey of becoming chronically sick: understanding what went wrong, and finding a way to heal and live a healthier life. I have a passion for wellness with a wealth of knowledge surrounding: wellness, flaws in healthcare, root causes for chronic illnesses, and alternative treatments.