Happiness on a Deeper Level
By: Jena, Happiness and Wellness Coach Certificates (NO AI was used) I believe when you become who you are supposed to be, it becomes easier to truly be happy. As I mentioned in my last blog about how to achieve eudaimonic happiness, you need to obtain autonomy and...
Two Types of Happiness – You need both!
By: Jena, Happiness and Wellness Coach Certificates (NO AI was used) In my last blog Pour Yourself A Cup of Happiness Every Day, I talked about finding more happiness in your day to day life and how to go about doing that. Now I’m going to talk about the two...
Pour Yourself A Cup of Happiness Every Day
By: Jena, Happiness and Wellness Coach Certificates (NO AI was used) Do you pour yourself a cup of happiness every day? Do you make a point every day to do something that genuinely makes you happy? This blog will help you pour yourself more cups of happiness!...
Lacking Focus? In-Depth Tips to Improve Concentration
By: Jena, The Wellness Resolution (No Ai was used) Lacking focus? This blog is packed full of in-depth tips to improve concentration addressing many problems most people don’t even consider. Also, this blog provides the most in-depth advice on how to improve...