What Health Conditions Are Becoming More Common?
Practically All Chronic Illnesses and Diseases Are Becoming More Common! Nearly half (approximately 45%, or 133 million) of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease [3,4,5], and the number is growing (Raghupathi, 2018). We don’t see it because many...
Flaws in Healthcare Making & Keeping People Sick
Live healthy by learning about some of the biggest flaws in the U.S. healthcare system and how they are harming our health! We have a ton of flawed perspectives on health that explain why so many people struggle for years in pain with no solutions, so many get chronic...
Perfect Weight Doesn’t = Healthy – Cellular Health Matters More
Our society is very fixated on the concept of being healthy means: not being overweight or some would even say underweight. Many people think that because they are not carrying extra weight this somehow equates to them being healthy, but that couldn’t be further...
Body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected. If you are stressed or angry and feel it in your physical body, you may already know that. However, how emotional health plays a role in physical health, how the environment harms physical health, and spiritual health...