45 Unique Gluten Free Party Appetizers
Here are 45 unique gluten free party appetizers to bring or serve at the next gathering you have or attend. Many of these recipes are also dairy free. Being as my blog is about wellness, these recipes are also healthier with lots of whole foods, little to no-processed...
8 Tips on How to Eat Less Packaged Food (Less Junk Food)
We tend to have all sorts of excuses for eating pre packaged junk food whether it is something to eat in a time crunch, thinking its cheaper, craving it, and so on. It doesn’t help that advertising, culture, and our communities make packaged food so appealing....
Over 30+ Gluten and Dairy Free Breakfast Ideas (& Sugar-Free)
Breakfast options are often high in sugar! As I mentioned in previous blogs, sugar is a HUGE problem in America with many people consuming 3x the recommended amounts. And it’s not just added sugars, it’s the wheat products that you are consuming, as well....
Reading and Decoding Food Labels & Toxic Ingredients
Learn how to determine what is healthy food vs junk food by understanding some of the worst chemicals in our foods. Find out how to read ingredient labels, ingredients to avoid, and tips on eating healthier. This is a tricky subject matter because there is literally...