Ditch Dieting – Try a Healthy Eating Lifestyle

Ditch Dieting – Try a Healthy Eating Lifestyle

By: Jena, The Wellness Resolution (No Ai was used) Ditch dieting! The best diet plan is actually not a diet plan but instead healthy lifestyle changes, OR a plan that leads to future changes. Weight loss shouldn’t be the only health goal though, if you...
45 Unique Gluten Free Party Appetizers

45 Unique Gluten Free Party Appetizers

Here are 45 unique gluten free party appetizers to bring or serve at the next gathering you have or attend. Many of these recipes are also dairy free. Being as my blog is about wellness, these recipes are also healthier with lots of whole foods, little to no-processed...
Reading and Decoding Food Labels & Toxic Ingredients

Reading and Decoding Food Labels & Toxic Ingredients

Learn how to determine what is healthy food vs junk food by understanding some of the worst chemicals in our foods. Find out how to read ingredient labels, ingredients to avoid, and tips on eating healthier. This is a tricky subject matter because there is literally...
11 Superfoods for a Diet Higher in Nutrients

11 Superfoods for a Diet Higher in Nutrients

Here are some excellent superfoods that are great for physical health along with brain superfoods. Some foods can actually be EXTRA beneficial to your health! We call these “Superfoods.” Superfoods are foods that are more nutritionally dense, and provide...